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There are primarily six major islands to visit in Hawaii: Kauai, O‘ahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui and Hawaii's Big Island. Due to shifting volcanic activity, the oldest Hawaiian island is Kauai to the northwest and the youngest is Hawaii's Big Island to the southeast. You can see this difference by comparing the topography of these two islands: On Kauai you'll find lush rainforests and sea cliffs worn by time along the Napali Coast. Hawaii's Big Island features rugged lava landscapes as well as Kilauea Volcano, erupting to this day at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

The Hawaiian Islands are also one the most isolated archipelagos in the world and the southernmost state in the United States. It is generally drier on the leeward (western) sides of the islands, and wetter on the windward (eastern) sides. Hawaii's wide range of elevations and microclimates allow you to experience a variety of environments including some of the world's best beaches, lush rainforests, volcanic deserts and scenic high-altitude views.

Learn More about Hawaii's six major islands: